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DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate - Dual Edition 虚时异境:迷离时空

DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate - Dual Edition 虚时异境:迷离时空

Language Support: -

English | Chinese


OS Support:-

Windows | Steam Deck


Game Tag -

解密 | 探索 | 冒险 | 3D | VR

Decryption | Exploration | Adventure | 3D | VR

Solve an impossible murder case in the far-flung future in this VR & Non-VR investigation action adventure!
DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate has won multiple VR awards, including dominating seven categories at the NYX Game Awards and was a nominated finalist for Game of the Year in the 2023 VR Awards. The Steam version contains all three award-winning episodes in a single game. Now you can play each episode however you like in either VR or non-VR mode!

You are Special Supervisor Hal Scion, a detective with the ability to rewrite the past. Your mission: solve a theoretically impossible crime. Uncover the mysteries hidden in people and places, reality and dream. You'll need to keep your wits about you if you're going to survive the unexpected threats awaiting you!
A premonition foretells of the city's destruction in seven days.
Will you be able to uncover the truth and change the course of the future?

■ Game System

  • [Memory Diving] Plunge into the past and alter reality as you try to crack the case.
  • [Augmented Dreaming] Enter a stunning virtual world teeming with countless shoals of digital fish.
  • [Trusty Companion] You may have one of the toughest cases the city has ever seen on your hands, but you don't have to go it alone. Lily, your navigation robot, is there to support you every step of the way. If you get stuck, just speak to Lily. You never know what you'll find out!
  • [Puzzles] Clues lie hidden across the city for you to find, but the deeper you dig, the more mysteries you'll unearth. Search far and wide, high and low, for vital clues.
  • [High-Stakes Stealth] Evade danger in life-or-death moments during your investigation.
  • [Trial by AI] Reenact the crime with the evidence you collect and prove your theories beyond all doubt.


《虚时异境:迷离时空 双重版》收录episodes1~3完整剧情,享受VR/Non-VR双重体验!



  • 【记忆潜行】追溯及改写过去的能力将是解决案件的关键。
  • 【横跨现实与梦境的场景】上千只鱼群及鲸鱼在意识之海中遨游,体验“扩展梦境”的视觉震撼。
  • 【向导机器人】“莉莉”是你的向导机器人,将陪着你一同调查疑点重重的案件。当调查时遇到瓶颈时,不妨跟莉莉讨论看看吧。
  • 【解谜】随着调查深入,案件之中的谜题也将一一浮现。想办法找出隐藏在城市之中的各项线索吧。
  • 【潜行动作】在调查过程中不时会遭遇生命危险,在潜行动作中逃出生天吧。
  • 【审讯】利用收集到的证据来重现凶手的犯行。在乐园都市守护者的面前揭露案件的真相吧!


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