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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge + DLC 忍者龟:施莱德的复仇 +DLC

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge + DLC 忍者龟:施莱德的复仇 +DLC

Language Support: -

English | Chinese


OS Support:-

Windows | Steam Deck


Game Tag -

像素 | 角色扮演 | 动作 | 互动 | 休闲

Pixel | Role Playing | Action | Interactive | Casual

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge features groundbreaking gameplay rooted in timeless classic brawling mechanics, brought to you by the beat ’em up experts at Dotemu (Streets of Rage 4) and Tribute Games. Bash your way through gorgeous pixel art environments and slay tons of hellacious enemies with your favorite Turtle, each with his own skills and moves - making each run unique! Choose a fighter, use radical combos to defeat your opponents and experience intense combats loaded with breathtaking action and outrageous ninja abilities. Stay sharp as you face off against Shredder and his faithful Foot Clan alone, or grab your best buds and play with up to 6 players simultaneously!


With Bebop and Rocksteady assaulting Channel 6 and stealing super gnarly devices to support Krang and Shredder’s latest twisted plan, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge sees the Turtles battling across a righteous range of timeless TMNT locations. From Manhattan and Coney Island, to city rooftops and dank sewers, help the fearsome foursome trounce Foot Soldiers, Triceraton Warriors, and Rock Troops all the way to Dimension X!


游戏的战斗系统由Dotemu《怒之铁拳4》和Tribute Games的战斗系统专家联合打造,植根经典战斗系统的基础上完成突破,致力于给玩家带来震撼的战斗体验。在绚丽的像素美术背景中狂飙突进,操作你最喜爱的神龟们打倒无数充满威胁的敌人。每个忍者龟各自拥有不同的招式、动作和技能,不同的角色选择能给你带来截然不同的体验。 选择心仪的战士,体验惊心动魄的格斗招式,使出令人惊奇的特殊忍者能力,用激进的连招使你的对手毫无招架之力!当你独自面对施莱德和他的爪牙“大脚帮”时,你要保持警觉,或者叫上你的伙伴们,与最多6个玩家同时游戏!





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