权贵之地 The Land of the Magnates
Language Support: -
English | 中文
OS Support:-
Windows | Steam Deck
Game Tag -
冒险 | 剧情 | 角色扮演 | 动作
Adventure | Drama | RPG | Action
The Land of the Magnates is an epic action-adventure set in a magical world inspired by the myths of the Middle East. You are Malik Shahbaz, prince of the Land of the Sun. Once a land of joy and music, the kingdom has been shrouded in darkness and silence following the death of its queen. Now, the king has been poisoned and the prince stands accused of this foul deed. After a daring escape, the disgraced prince must travel the realm to find a way to cure his father, reclaim his throne, and return light to the Land of the Sun.
From the cursed Black Forest, to the Land of the Sun shrouded in darkness, from the domain of the Water Princess to the marble lands of the Monkey Kings, Shahbaz will have to lift ancient curses, defeat vile minions of the dark with his trusty sitar, and solve complex puzzles requiring quick thinking - and quick fingers.
《The Land of the Magnates》是一款史诗动作冒险游戏,故事舞台建立在一个以中东神话为灵感的魔幻世界。玩家将扮演太阳之国的王子,Malik Shahbaz。曾经充满快乐与音乐的国度,在女王逝世后,便被沉默与黑暗笼罩。如今国王惨遭人毒害,而王子竟被污蔑为幕后黑手。在一次惊险逃亡后,身败名裂的王子必须跋涉广阔的世界,以寻求解救父王的解药,并且夺回王位,让太阳之国重获光明。
Shahbaz 将穿越被诅咒的黑森林、笼罩在黑暗之中的太阳之国、受水姬统治的疆域,以及猴王的大理石王国,来破解古老的诅咒,用锡他琴击退邪恶怪物,并解开一系列考验眼明手快的复杂的谜题。