Murders on the Yangtze River 山河旅探
Language Support: -
English | Chinese
OS Support:-
Windows | Steam Deck
Game Tag -
角色扮演 | 解密 | 模拟 | 逆转裁判 | 真相 | 探索 | 推理
Role Playing | Decryption | Simulation | Ace Attorney | Truth | Exploration
If you're a fan of "Ace Attorney", you won't want to miss "Murders on Yangtze River", a horizontal axis detective game developed by OMEGames Studio.
The game takes you on a journey through early 20th century China as you solve a series of intriguing cases along the Yangtze River. With its stunning brush painting art style and engaging storyline, it offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Use your logical reasoning and deduction skills to uncover clues, interrogate suspects, and solve the mysteries. With challenging puzzles and interesting characters to meet, "Murders on the Yangtze River" will have you hooked from the very beginning.
- 清末民初--古代与现代、东方与西方多种文化交融碰撞的风云年代,化身故事主人公的你,被卷入了一场无法避免的阴谋案件之中。
- 看似并无关联的种种事件,却将你推向了一个巨大的悬案旋涡和身份之谜。
- 谎言是经过伪装的事实,而你能否抽丝剥茧,从堆叠的案件中推导出最后的真相?
- 根据故事的发展来控制主人公在不同场景之间的自由移动,从而寻找蛛丝马迹。
- 进行现场勘察、找寻证物、询问证人。
- 甚至,在已获得的证言中的发现种种漏洞……