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Welcome to ParadiZe 欢迎来到尸乐园

Welcome to ParadiZe 欢迎来到尸乐园

Language Support: -

English | Chinese


OS Support:-

Windows | Steam Deck


Game Tag -

冒险 | 射击 | 丧尸 | 末日 | 枪击 | 生存

Adventure | Shooting | Zombies | Doomsday | Shooting | Survival

Do you want your very own zombie companion? A faithful friend that protects you from its peers and accompanies you on all your adventures? At ParadiZe, we make it happen! Here, the zombies do all the dirty work.


In the beautiful country of ParadiZe, ingenious survivors are testing a technology that can be used to control the zombies that have overrun the world. Once hacked, they become invaluable allies, even though they are not that smart and sometimes rather unstable.
It's not all rosy in ParadiZe, but if you're reasonably clever and handy, maybe you'll manage to survive…


想要擁有屬於自己的殭屍夥伴嗎?可協助你在所有冒險旅程中,抵禦其殭屍同袍及其同伴的忠實朋友?在 ParadiZe,一切都有可能發生!在這裡,殭屍能為你解決所有的麻煩事。


在 ParadiZe 的美麗國度中,當地的倖存者正測試著一項科技,試圖用於控制橫行於整個世界的殭屍。只要能駭入殭屍的意志,就能成為無價的盟友,儘管仍不夠聰明且有時候不太穩定。
ParadiZe 並非一切皆如此美好,但你如果夠聰明且手很巧,也許就有辦法生存下來……



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